WMATA On-Call Services
Our Client’s Challenge
The Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) operates the second-largest heavy rail transit system, sixth-largest bus network, and fifth-largest paratransit service in the United States. Its rail system covers more than 128 miles and includes 98 Metro stations, while the Washington Metrobus fleet services 269 routes and more than 11,000 bus stops with over 2,550 shelters. Together, these systems serve 4 million people within a 1,500-square-mile area, including approximately one-third of the federal government workforce and millions of tourists annually.
To keep the Metrorail and Metrobus systems in prime condition, the organization relies on a rolling, six-year WMATA capital improvement program (CIP). The program encompasses both state of good repair and capital projects, including right-of-way and system rehabilitation, safety improvements for all aspects of the rail and bus networks, vehicle procurement, and repair and replacement of aging infrastructure and facilities.
Our Solution
Gannett Fleming has been managing projects under a general engineering consultant contract for WMATA for over a decade. During this time, Gannett Fleming has successfully delivered more than 500 task orders through multiple on-call contracts, providing a broad range of architectural, engineering, design, and program and construction management services to support project costs of a $23 billion CIP. A sampling of representative task orders includes:
Analysis and Design of the Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport Track Reconfiguration
This project involved reconfiguring the traction power positive and negative distribution systems at the Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport to accommodate a new middle pocket track. Gannett Fleming designed the new contact rail system and traction power distribution system to support the pocket track. Additionally, our firm designed the negative return system and coordinated these modifications with the train control system. Enhancements were also made to the contact rail heater system and the new interlocking lighting system.
Rail Regenerative Power Optimization Support
Project delivery supported WMATA’s sustainability goals by adding the capability to recover train braking energy and return it to the system or utility grid. As part of this scope, our team:
- Reviewed the traction power substation (TPSS) energy recovery equipment for two test locations; developed test procedures and performed testing to measure potential conductive electromagnetic interferences with the TPSSs, active track control (ATC) system, and railcar fleet.
- Developed test procedures and performed testing to measure energy recovery from railcars.
- Developed technical specifications for energy recovery equipment.
- Conducted market research on available inverter and thyristor rectifier (reversible) and battery storage systems available on the open market that meet Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Buy America requirements.
- Reviewed equipment start-up and commissioning.
ATC System Negative Return Path Analysis
Gannett Fleming developed a load flow simulation model for the traction power system to assess the power requirements of the WMATA rail system for both 50% and 100% eight-car train operations. The focus was on the traction power negative path, with specific attention on substation negative returns, cross bonds, and ATC mini-loops.
Engineering Retrofit of Floating Slabs
We performed a condition assessment of all floating slab segments of the rail system and identified the locations and causes of settlement, considering structural and track issues. Within the WMATA rail system’s tunnels are approximately 80,000 feet, or 15 miles, of track and special trackwork supported by existing floating slabs. We prepared a daily summary of findings reports and a comprehensive condition assessment report following the final field inspection. Our team also developed recommendations to repair and rehabilitate existing floating slabs to bring the rail profile back to the appropriate alignments.
Dunn Loring Interlocking
Our team performed design work and developed bid documents for third-party construction projects for a new universal crossover located immediately west of Dunn Loring Station on the Orange Line. The design work included traction power, trackwork, ATC, and communications. The location of the universal crossover involved several alternatives for maintaining the use of the existing positive and negative stub-ups, providing space for the new signal bungalow, and maintaining the signals within the center of the tracks. The new crossover provided WMATA maintenance forces with greater flexibility to perform maintenance activities on single-track mainline operations between West Falls Church and Dunn Loring.
King Street Interlocking
Gannett Fleming provided signal design and traction power services for a new interlocking at King Street Station. The signal design included the development of contract bid documents for a contractor to design, furnish, install, test, and place in service a complete, fully operational, state-of-the-art vital microprocessor-based interlocking control system for a new No. 8 diamond crossover. This included new audio frequency track circuits, wayside LED signals, electric switch machines, new local cables within project limits, and new fiber optic cables to adjacent stations to replace existing copper express cables.
Tunnel Water Infiltration Mitigation
We performed an investigation and developed a leak mitigation design for high-priority segments of WMATA tunnels, associated adits, vent shafts, fan shafts, and AC/DC power station rooms. The use of 3D scanning, LadyBug imagery, and infrared imaging maximized the efficiency of the leakage surveys. In addition, we used a geographic information system (GIS) to calculate and overlay relevant data to evaluate issues before developing solutions. Our team conducted inspections using infrared thermographic imaging, high-definition video, and manual inspections.
Train Wash Improvement Plan and Design Packages
Our team performed the facility assessment, washer evaluations, and conceptual and preliminary design for the unmanned, automatically operated train wash at seven WMATA railyards. The facilities are designed to accommodate fleets with steel, aluminum, and vinyl car body types traveling at speeds of 1.5 to 3 miles per hour. The concepts and preliminary designs included relocating the equipment rooms from the basement to a new structure located adjacent to the wash track or within the dwell area of the existing washer.
Backup Rail Operations Center Rehabilitation
We developed a rehabilitation design for WMATA’s backup rail operations control center (OCC) at their headquarters. The design included rehabilitating the OCC and critical supporting infrastructure to facilitate the implementation of a new generation of OCC train control software, including hardware upgrades in the backup OCC server room. The design was structured to support the phased implementation of the new rail OCC upgrades to the backup OCC first, then to the primary OCC.
Bridge Conditions and Inspection Services
For nearly three years, Gannett Fleming led three major efforts related to WMATA’s bridge inventory. First, up to six teams of bridge inspectors have performed visual bridge inspections on 144 of WMATA’s bridges. These included WMATA’s largest and most complex aerial structures, which range from 2,000 feet long to over 7,000 feet long. Our team inspected a variety of different bridge types and configurations, such as steel plate girders, post-tensioned concrete box girders, steel box girders, and segmental concrete box girders.
Second, bridge engineers from Gannett Fleming, as well as six subconsultants, performed load ratings for all 162 bridges in WMATA’s inventory. Load ratings were based on the American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association (AREMA), American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), and WMATA criteria and guidelines, as well as industry best practices.
Third, Gannett Fleming developed the methodology for a bridge condition index, established a condition baseline, prioritized structures based on their conditions, and developed a way to track the overall health of the WMATA bridge network. This effort included developing a prototype GIS-based display of bridges and conditions throughout the network as well as rough-order-of-magnitude rehabilitation cost estimates.
Transit Asset Inventory and Condition Assessment
Gannett Fleming compiled a detailed and comprehensive inventory of assets, conducted field investigations, determined the remaining service lives, and recommended capital activities for approximately 32,000 assets in 388 WMATA facilities. This work demonstrated our proficiency with asset management and understanding of the life cycle needs of transit assets. The results of this project supported WMATA’s objectives to develop a comprehensive, condition-based capital needs inventory and state-of-good repair investment prioritization for WMATA’s FTA-required transit asset management plan.
Architectural, Engineering, and Construction Management Services for Multiple Award Task Order Contract (MATOC) Program
Gannett Fleming supported the MATOC program, providing staff augmentation personnel to assist WMATA in project management of key initiatives in their capital program. We have consistently mobilized many staff providing a broad range of services to partner with WMATA to finalize contract documents, create biddable packages for procurement, conduct as-built research, and support pre- and post-field visits.
We have a long working relationship with the WMATA MATOC team, contractors, and stakeholders and have developed an intimate understanding of the MATOC process and experience with the different contract types. Representative projects our team has supported include the Northern Bus Garage, the new Potomac Yard Infill Metro Station, the Platform Improvement Project, and critical tunnel repairs.
Key Features
- Unmanned, automatically operated train wash at seven WMATA railyards.
- Rehabilitation design for WMATA’s backup rail operations control center.
- New interlocking at King Street Station.
- New universal crossover located immediately west of Dunn Loring Station on the Orange Line.
- Reconfigured the traction power positive and negative distribution systems at Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport.
- Rail and bus system facilities maintain safety and reliability standards.
- Passenger capacity and operational efficiencies meet current and future demands.
- Repair and replacement of aging infrastructure.
- Prioritization of near- and long-term capital investments.
Awards & Recognition
- American Council of Engineering Companies, 2024, Engineering Excellence National Recognition Award, Dupont Circle Subway Canopy Project.
- American Council of Engineering Companies of Metropolitan Washington, 2023, Engineering Excellence Honor Award, Dupont Circle Subway Canopy Project.
- WMATA, 2020, Sustainability Awards, Infrastructure Champion.
- WMATA, 2018, Construction Safety Award – Yard 1 Rehabilitation.
- WMATA, 2017, Construction Safety Award – Cinder Bed Road Bus Garage.
- WMATA, 2015, Construction Safety Award – Pennsy Drive Metro Police Facility.
- WMATA, 2014, Chief Engineer Infrastructure Services Award for Safety.
Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA)
Washington, D.C.
Architectural, Engineering, Design, and Program and Construction Management Services

Featured Projects

Paw Paw Tunnel Slope Stabilization Project

Utah Valley Express Bus Rapid Transit Transportation Improvement Project (TRIP)

Transform I-66 Outside the Beltway Project

Inglewood Transit Connector Engineering and Design

Emergency Repairs to the Theodore Roosevelt Bridge

MassDOT Variable Message Sign Replacement and Upgrade

Route 252 Springton Reservoir Dam Spillway Bridge Improvements

Golden Glades Multimodal Transportation Facility

Virginia Railway Express Lifecycle Overhaul and Upgrade Facility

Lehigh Valley SR 0100 Roadway Reconstruction

Pittsburgh Regional Transit South Hills Village Rail Center Design