New York City Schools Emergency Response Program
To respond to facility emergencies and other immediate needs at more than 1,700 New York City metropolitan schools, the New York City School Construction Authority (SCA) instituted an Emergency Response Program as part of a larger Capital Improvement Program. Gannett Fleming is contracted under this program to address a variety of emergencies, ranging from installing a sidewalk shed to protect students and staff from overhead danger to procuring and building a new $18 million pre-kindergarten wing in a compressed, six-month window. In response to the COVID-19 crisis, our work includes addressing the need to create safe and secure pop-up testing centers in locations across the city.
Under this program, more than 1.1 million students and over 300,000 education and education support service professionals in greater New York City take solace knowing that in the event of an emergency, a dedicated team of engineering and construction experts will respond quickly, efficiently, and effectively.
What We Did
Regardless of the emergency type, Gannett Fleming is quick to uncover optimal construction solutions for our clients. Our firm draws upon a pool of pre-approved subcontractors, with a minimum of three companies per trade, who have personnel on stand-by. When called, they are ready to respond in the SCA-required two-hour maximum emergency response time. The requested work meets a wide variety of needs, from carpentry, masonry, electrical work, roofing, and waterproofing to demolition, special inspections, earth moving, and structural repairs.
Whatever the situation, our team works quickly to restore public safety to a deteriorating situation, including addressing general and emergency access during a crisis. Close coordination with school administration, after-school activity coordinators, community leaders, and other stakeholders is key to ensuring success.
Key Features
- Construction management for the creation of pop-up COVID-19 testing facilities.
- Successful projects have included retrofitting existing commercial space to serve as an early education center for 3-year-olds, roof restoration, emergency power transformer replacement to maintain electrical service for a school, and lead paint repair work in compliance with U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requirements.
- Work conducted during the school year is safely completed with as little disruption to students and faculty as possible.
- Safe educational facilities for 1.1 million New York City students.
- Ready emergency response within mandatory two-hour period.
- On-call construction management expertise for large and small projects.
New York City School Construction Authority
Boroughs of Staten Island, Bronx, Brooklyn, and Queens, N.Y.
Construction Manager
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