Environmental Planning and Permitting

At Gannett Fleming, we leverage science, engineering, technology, and innovation to create resilient and sustainable solutions for today’s environmental issues.

Our team is dedicated to preserving natural ecosystems, solving problems in natural and built environments, and assisting clients with compliance, investigation, and remediation for human and environmental health and safety.

Read on to discover how our engineers, scientists, and planners provide comprehensive environmental and regulatory solutions to ensure a vibrant future for our communities.

Comprehensive Environmental & Regulatory Services

  • Our interdisciplinary team helps clients advance their transportation, energy infrastructure, watershed, land use, and site planning projects in compliance with federal, state, and provincial laws and regulations.

    With a deep understanding of regulatory frameworks and a consensus-building approach, we anticipate and resolve potential issues effectively. Our National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), Canadian and Ontario Environmental Assessment Acts, and related analyses are fundamental planning and decision-making tools. We conduct purposeful public and agency engagement to streamline issues and achieve timely approvals. Our precise, concise documentation effectively communicates with stakeholders and regulators.

  • We enhance habitat and species diversity by restoring natural functions and productivity to watercourses and landscapes. Our award-winning stream restoration practice employs natural stream channel design, floodplain reconnection, armoring, grade control structures, and adaptive management to restore hydrologic functions in wetlands, streams, floodplains, forests, and disturbed areas. We evaluate baseline conditions, assess impacts, and provide detailed design plans, permit documents, and construction oversight.

    Our projects improve nutrient and sediment retention, stormwater filtration, impervious surface runoff management, and vegetation stabilization. Our comprehensive solutions include reforestation services, invasive species control, fish passageway design, wetland enhancement, dam breach design, wildlife habitat improvement, and contamination cleanup.

  • Public and private sector clients throughout North America rely on Gannett Fleming for comprehensive natural resources investigation, analysis, and permitting assistance. Our natural resources teams work with our engineers to identify impact avoidance opportunities and secure project permits.

    Our wetland scientists, biologists, and ecologists are industry experts with extensive experience in baseline inventory work, species surveys, wetland and waterway delineations, habitat and water quality assessments, macroinvertebrate assessments, and dredging and contamination assessments.

    We support public utilities, infrastructure, residential developments, transportation, and power projects, coordinating with federal, state, local, and provincial agencies to achieve compliance and award-winning success.

  • Our economists conduct benefit-cost analyses for water resources, transportation, and land use projects, aiding decision-makers in weighing the benefits of an action against the investment required. These analyses consider quantitative and qualitative benefits, including tradeoffs between ecosystem services. Our expertise includes consequence analysis modeling for hazard events and risk consideration in selecting a path forward.

    With long-standing experience in economic impact analysis, we assess how projects may affect employment, income, tax revenue, and regional business communities. Using input-output modeling and other quantitative methodologies, we measure and communicate economic changes.

  • Gannett Fleming’s team of certified planners and scientists prioritizes social and community health in project development. We excel at identifying complex conditions and aligning community goals with infrastructure needs. Our focus incorporates environmental justice, equity considerations, and the legacy effects of past activities.

    We design and implement social and community impact analyses that identify issues early. Our expertise includes developing comprehensive community and stakeholder engagement plans that effectively solicit input, leading to more informed decision-making.

  • Gannett Fleming offers full-service acoustical design and engineering, including detailed noise abatement design. We use sophisticated instruments to measure and predict noise and vibration impacts on transportation systems, industrial facilities, commercial buildings, and public infrastructure. Our unique Sounds of Transit and Sounds of Highway applications simulate future sound levels, improving stakeholder education and engagement.

    Noise pollution can cause significant project delays and controversy. Our top-quality noise and vibration analysts help manage and address noise sources and issues, contributing to project success.

  • Gannett Fleming helps you achieve compliance with the complex rules and regulations protecting human health and the environment.

    We assist public and private clients by assessing and managing risks, investigating impacted areas, remediating soil and groundwater contamination, developing resource management strategies, establishing restoration goals, and discovering improvement opportunities through audits.

    With a deep understanding of federal, state, and provincial jurisdictions’ regulatory compliance requirements, we are a single-source provider for air pollution, waste management, stormwater, spill prevention, chemical reporting, and industrial wastewater services.

    We are leaders in environmental due diligence activities, like Phase I and Phase II environmental site assessments, real estate transactions, and litigation support, ensuring your operations meet mandatory regulations.

  • Connecting with people, communities, and other stakeholders impacted by projects begins with recognizing that all perspectives are crucial to a project’s success. We use constructive engagement techniques to help groups and individuals understand each other’s viewpoints. By employing decision-support tools, we bring structure to the analysis needed to consider the positive and negative impacts of public decisions.

Featured Projects


Specialized Certifications

Rosgen Level-4 Certified Staff

Certification in the Rosgen Stream Classification System denotes expertise in comprehensive stream assessments, effective design and implementation, and long-term monitoring and adaptation.

AIA/AICP Certified Planners

Our planners, certified by the American Institute of Architects and American Institute of Certified Planners, bring a multidisciplinary approach that integrates planning, design, and environmental engineering principles to deliver sustainable, resilient, and community-focused projects.

U.S. EPA Method 9 Visible Emissions Readers

Our certified Visible Emissions Readers bring expertise in air quality monitoring to ensure remediation projects are compliant, effective, and sustainable.

What Our Clients Are Saying

Related Markets & Solutions

Environmental and regulatory services are crucial in ensuring that transportation projects are environmentally responsible, sustainable, and resilient. Gannett Fleming adds value to transportation projects by offering environmental impact assessments and mitigation, regulatory compliance, pollution control and air quality management, noise and vibration control, and ecosystem protection.

Water is a precious resource, and its limited availability heightens the challenges posed by pollution, climate change, and overuse and underscores the need for sustainable water management. Gannett Fleming’s design and planning services restore and maintain water health, from restoring streams and wetlands to achieving regulatory compliance in drinking water and wastewater treatment plants.

Often governed by aggressive schedules and strict adherence to federal and provincial laws and regulations, federal projects demand quality, efficiency, and attention to detail. The specialized nature of federal projects that span multiple regions or have complex logistics, such as those at military installations, public lands, and parks, requires coordination and resource allocation. With sensitivity to confidentiality and security protocols, Gannett Fleming works with federal agencies to meet stringent environmental standards and comply with various federal, state, and local regulations.


Environmental and regulatory services are crucial in ensuring that transportation projects are environmentally responsible, sustainable, and resilient. Gannett Fleming adds value to transportation projects by offering environmental impact assessments and mitigation, regulatory compliance, pollution control and air quality management, noise and vibration control, and ecosystem protection.

Water Resources

Water is a precious resource, and its limited availability heightens the challenges posed by pollution, climate change, and overuse and underscores the need for sustainable water management. Gannett Fleming’s design and planning services restore and maintain water health, from restoring streams and wetlands to achieving regulatory compliance in drinking water and wastewater treatment plants.


Often governed by aggressive schedules and strict adherence to federal and provincial laws and regulations, federal projects demand quality, efficiency, and attention to detail. The specialized nature of federal projects that span multiple regions or have complex logistics, such as those at military installations, public lands, and parks, requires coordination and resource allocation. With sensitivity to confidentiality and security protocols, Gannett Fleming works with federal agencies to meet stringent environmental standards and comply with various federal, state, and local regulations.

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  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa.

    Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate.

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo.

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    Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa.

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