Peer Review and Safety Assurance Review for US Army Corps of Engineers
Through a joint venture with GEI Consultants, we performed an independent external peer review of the pre-final plans and specifications for Contract 2 of the C-44 Reservoir Project in Martin County, Florida.
This ongoing review for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Jacksonville District, is a critical element of the USACE’s three-part quality improvement process to ensure the reliability of scientific and engineering analysis.
The C-44 Reservoir covers 3,400 acres of approximately 12,000 acres of land as part of the Indian River Lagoon-South Project Implementation under the Everglades Restoration Plan. This project captures local runoff for the C-44 basin, and treats some or all of the volume via sedimentation and natural transformation of nutrients, then returns it to the C-44 canal when necessary. This project is designed for flow attenuation of the St. Lucie Estuary, and water quality benefits from reduced loading of nutrients, pesticides, herbicides, and other pollutants contained in runoff presently discharged to the estuary.
What We Did
We selected subject matter experts in seven disciplines to fit the scope of the external peer review. Professionals with the requisite education and experience were qualified as upper-level peer reviewers in the following areas: geotechnical engineering, engineering geology, structural engineering, hydrology and hydraulics, hydrogeology and geology, civil/construction, and electrical/mechanical engineering.
Panel members were given a site orientation briefing and then a series of documents to review that involve the design and pre-final plans and specifications for the project. These documents included the Detailed Design Report for the project, the Geotechnical Data Report pre-final edition Plans and Specifications, and a Draft Engineering Considerations and Instructions Report.
These ongoing independent external peer reviews will be vital for ensuring the project functions as designed and provides environmental/water quality improvement.
Key Features
- Safety assurance.
- Independent peer review of:
- Detailed Design Report.
- Geotechnical Data Report.
- Draft Engineering Considerations.
- Independent External Peer Review helps to ensure the project will meet its intended purpose of water quality improvement.
- Continuous analysis ensures reduced pollutant load in estuary runoff.
- Review C-44 reservoir specifications ensure project design is technically sound.
- Ensure the reliability of scientific and engineering analysis of USACE projects.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)
Peer Review, Planning, Civil, Construction, Geotechnical, Structural, Hydraulics, Hydrology, Geology, Hydrogeology, Water Resources, Mechanical, Electrical
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