Meat Production Facility Wastewater Pretreatment System
Gannett Fleming used a full turnkey approach for the design-build implementation of a wastewater pretreatment system that meets discharge permit requirements and increases capacity at an expanded food-production facility. In partnership with our client, we led negotiations with regulatory agencies, as well as discussions of industrial wastewater pretreatment requirements.
The team addressed leaking tankage, discharge problems, and sizing issues due to expansion during the predesign phases. Temporary tanks and pumping systems accommodated flows around portions of the system in order to prevent any production interruption at the main plant.
What We Did
Our work included developing the design basis for wastewater loads and flow. The team retrofitted existing pretreatment systems to efficiently accommodate higher loadings. By improving wastewater sampling and testing protocols, the team achieved significant surcharge reductions for the client.
The project required more than 70 deep pile foundations, underground piping, as well as heat-traced and insulated, above-grade piping. Other system upgrades included a coagulant storage and delivery system, influent flow piping to equalization tanks, and sludge transfer piping. The wastewater treatment system is controlled by a multi-station supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system, which communicates with the main plant.
Key Features
- Modeled placement of equipment into tight clearance areas using BIM analysis during design, confirming constructability to reduce major building and structural retrofits.
- Dissolved air flotation (DAF) treatment system for fat, oil, and grease removal.
- Two 150,000-gallon equalization tanks with jet mixing systems.
- Pump building for recirculation and DAF feed system Two 25,000-gallon sludge holding tanks with pumped load-out system.
- Surcharge reduction through improved testing and sampling.
- Retrofitted pretreatment system accommodates higher loads.
- System upgrades offer operational efficiencies.
Confidential Client
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